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Monday, November 28, 2011

Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies Students in Durban

Here's another one from the very cool F&ES. and yes, that means folks at Yale wrote it, not me, and it's not edited by me either. They do very interesting things over there and I love to share it. (Plus, it's my blog, so I can post whatever I want) Make sure you scroll to the bottom and click on their blog too. Let's hope those smart folks also can figure out a way for the world to save the sharks. (that's one we all need to care about)

Twenty-five students from the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies are participating in the 17th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Durban, South Africa.
The students are in Durban to support vulnerable small island states in their negotiations, represent official delegations, lobby, blog and immerse themselves in the arcana of bureaucratic give-and-take. They researched, tracked and wrote briefs on important issues for negotiating teams in preparation for the conference and will be analyzing and defending positions in draft texts of the countries they are representing during negotiations.
F&ES students are representing the small island states of Papua New Guinea, Micronesia, Marshall Islands, Maldives and Latvia, as well as Afghanistan and Latvia.
"These students are well-prepared to inject themselves into the substance of the proceedings," said Roy Lee, who teaches an Environmental Diplomacy Practicum at F&ES. "The Yale team has formed a supportive network to share information and keep each other apprised of quicksilver changes in events."

Delegates from 194 nations are gathering in Durban, South Africa, to seek agreement on ways to address climate change, specifically the differing obligations of industrialized and developing nations, the question of who will pay to help poor nations adapt, the urgency of protecting tropical forests, and the need to develop and deploy clean energy technology.
Last year in Cancun, Mexico, delegates produced an agreement that set up a fund to help poor countries adapt to climate change, created mechanisms for the transfer of clean energy technology, provided compensation for the preservation of tropical forests and enshrined the emissions reductions promises that came out of the Copenhagen meeting.

The F&ES students are blogging about their experiences at

Editor's note: All information in this post was contributed.



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