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Helen Bennett Harvey promises that no animals were harmed in the making of this blog. Vegging Out is a recipe for a new way of life. Or at least a new way of eating. Pull up a chair. Contact me at:

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Ann Romey: Leave her alone and focus on issues

I'm not likely to vote for Mitt Romney.
OK, I am pretty sure I won't. (Don't tell Jack Fowler)
Does that make me a disinterested commentator? Probably not, but here I go anway.
Leave Ann Romney alone when it comes to her career.
I read on the Daily Beast that everyone is down on Ann because she does not have a job,
Give me a break.
The woman raised five kids.
That means she worked damned hard.
And I know right up front that there are plenty of women who work hard outside the home and also are raising five kids. I offer them  nothing less than the greatest respect.
But that does not mean Ann is any less -despite her hubby's wealth - of a woman who works hard.
Further, the Chicago Trib reports:  she has battled cancer, multiple sclerosis and also does volunteer work.
I say this despite the fact that I also would not agree with Mrs. Romney's ideas about  a lot of things.
But amid the fight for the women's vote, this war on women is getting old.


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